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America’s Pain Crisis
Judy Foreman was educated at Harvard, and has been a Lecturer on Medicine at Harvard’s Medical School. In 2014, she published a book titled (1):
A Nation in PainHealing Our Biggest Health Problem
Ms. Foreman notes that of the 238 million adults in America, approximately half of them have chronic daily pain. [..]
Two Viable, Overlapping ModelsAnecdoteSports Team Doctor Calls the ShotsPortola Valley Physician Aims for Zero PainSan Francisco ChronicleOctober 7, 2000Friends of Dr. Mark Sontag of Portola Valley, CA, like to joke that he's “a man for all seasons.”A specialist in sports medicine and rehabilitation, Sontag is a team doctor for the San Francisco Giants, the San Jose Sharks, [..]
Spinal Manipulation for Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Syndrome with RadiculopathyFor thirty years (since 1985), it has been acknowledged that spinal manipulation is successful in the treatment of the majority of patients with low back pain, and that “there is a scientific basis for the treatment of back pain by manipulation.” (1) However, the consensus pertaining to the use [..]
Low back pain (LBP) is VERY likely to affect all of us at some point in life. The question is, do you control IT or does IT control you? Here are ten “tricks” for staying in control of “IT!”
1) STRETCH: When you’re in one position for a long time (like sitting at your desk), [..]
Neck pain is very common! According to one study, between 10-21% of the population will experience an episode of neck pain each year with a higher incidence rate among office workers. Between 33-65% will recover within one year, but most cases become “chronic, recurrent” meaning neck pain will come and go indefinitely. The more we [..]
According to the literature, carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most prevalent upper extremity complaints. In fact, it IS the most common “compression neuropathy” (of which there are many) and affects 3-6% of adults in the general population. Additionally, CTS can affect BOTH hands in up to 50% of patients with the condition! [..]
Fibromyalgia is a complicated disorder that’s difficult to diagnose because it involves multiple body systems. As a result, there are a myriad of factors in the body that can play a role in a patient's symptoms. That said, it's best to take a whole body approach when it comes to treating a complex condition like [..]
First, what is whiplash? It’s a lot of things, which is why the term WAD or Whiplash Associated Disorders has become the most common term for the main signs and symptoms associated with a whiplash injury. WAD is usually associated with a motor vehicle collision, but sports injuries, diving accidents, and falls are other common [..]
Often referred to as a “sinful indulgence,” chocolate is usually not thought of as a healthy food choice. However, in the last 20-30 years, there has been growing evidence that there are indeed health benefits associated with chocolate consumption! Let’s take a closer look!
Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. The earliest [..]
Chronic pain in the United States is an overwhelming, epidemic, problem. Of the 238 million adults in the US, 116 million suffer from chronic pain (1, 2). Quantifying the anatomical regions for American’s chronic pain shows that the fourth most common region of the body afflicted with chronic pain is the neck (3):Hip Pain 07.1%Finger [..]
There is certainly a lot of interest in concussion these days between big screen movies, football, and other sports-related injuries. Concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are often used interchangeably. Though mTBI is NOT the first thing we think about in a low-speed motor vehicle collision (MVC), it does happen. [..]
Is there a “normal” or “best posture” out there? If so, what is it?
Posture is largely inherited; however, there are also environmental, social, and other forces that can affect posture. Some say “good posture” is the position that places the least amount of strain on the body, particularly the muscles and ligaments that hold [..]